Aug 12, 2009

Submit Blog to Search engine

Do you have a blog or website?
If you want your blog indexed in search engine, your blog must submit to search engine. With submit your blog or website to search engine, Search engine will be faster to know. More search engine you submitted, more visitor for your blog. It's will make sense if you use your blog to get some money with PPC or other. But, if you want to submit your blog to search engine that have thousand, it's will be difficult. To easy it, there one site that will submit your blog to many search engine. Try their service now, submit 130 search engine. You can submit your blog to google france and many others country that be your target visitor. Visit free service site submit at here

Aug 7, 2009

Membuat daftar list link scroll down

Daftar list link yang terlalu panjang tentunya membuat penampilan blog anda menjadi kurang bersahabat bagi pengunjung anda. Apalagi jika list link tersebut mencapai 100 atau lebih. Blog anda tentunya akan kelihatan terlalu panjang dan tidak enak. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, kita dapat mengakalinya dengan membuat list link tersebut menjadi scrol down. Contohnya bisa dilihat di blogroll blog ini. Lansung saja yah,

Granite, make elegant room look

One way to make your room stylish and elegant is using granite be your room wall, floor, your bathroom and many others. Granite still offers elegant style with just a pattern of dots and others natural pattern. The selection of the right granite, granite quality and adjusting to the room situation will be more elegant and stylish your room. Now, if you live in California you can get the best granite countertops ca from Marble City Company. Marble City Company offers many of the best option granite countertops for you. Made from selected granite from the world will make you feel be convinced for what are you have buy. Visit now Marble City Company at here

Aug 5, 2009

Change your kitchen style with Granite and marble сountertops

countertops ca
Feel bored with your kitchen style?
If you feel so, begin to change your kitchen style now. There one sites with mission “create a warm and inviting environment of elegance, character, and sophistication through the fabrication of custom made natural stone countertops” specially sell Granite and marble сountertops in Ca. They offer many option of Granite and marble сountertops with stylish and elegant stone collection imported from the best granite slabs from the best over the World. They also give you information how to right install your marble and countertops in your kitchen that have eight steps to install it. Visit countertops ca now click here

Menambahkan tulisan di sebelah kanan judul sidebar

Udah liat sidebarku yg disamping yang dibawah iklan?
Disebelah judul sidebar(posting terbaru), ad link subscribe kan. Untuk membuat link tersebut cukuplah mudah.
Pertama, login dulu ke akunnya. Terus masuk ke layout-edit html. Jangan lupa untuk mendownload templatenya terlebih dahulu untuk mencegah hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan :P. centang expand widget templates.

Terus tambah yang dibawah ini diatas kode yg dicari tadi.
.sid-feed {
float: right;
display: inline;
padding-right: 20px;
background: url( no-repeat right;

Jika udah, sekarang cari judul sidebar yang mau ditambahin link disampingnya, seperti blog ini, "posting terbaru".

<b:widget id='Feed2' locked='false' title='Posting terbaru' type='Feed'>

<b:includable id='main'>


Setelah itu, masukin lagi yang kode dibawah ini ke dalam h2 disebelah <data:title/> , bukan di dalam <data:title/> yah..
<span class='sid-feed'><a href=''>Subscribe</a></span>

Jadinya kayak gini sekarang :D
<b:widget id='Feed2' locked='false' title='Posting terbaru' type='Feed'>

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<h2><data:title/> <span class='sid-feed'><a href=''>Subscribe</a></span></h2>

Save templatenya sekarang. lihat blognya.. moga bisa sedikit membantu yah :D..